
Thursday, August 31, 2006


i've been in Cebu just shy of a week now! pretty uneventful...thank goodness!

moving can be a very stressful thing. getting a new job is also stressful. so i felt very antsy on the plane here. just not knowing what's going to happen and all. good thing i'm slowly being introduced to everything and everyone in Bigfoot. so something that is already stressful isn't doubly stressful. did i make sense...oh well!

as wanggo said i'm starting anew, got a clean slate...something that's hard to do when you're in manila. coz you're connected to each other in one way or another and people love to talk! haha

so far so good! too bad i can't access blogger from the office! company policy etc. but with my down time i'll make it a point to write and update this blog from time to time. Promise!

keep y'all posted!


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