
Thursday, July 14, 2005

poppy seeds

Was channel surfing the other night and I came upon the Discovery Channel. There were really tight shots of guys eating poppy seed cake and bagels, for some reason it caught my attention. Turns out the show was Myth Busters and they were seeing if you could fail a drug test for HEROIN if you eat anything with poppy seeds in it.

The answer? YES YOU CAN! And there have been people who have lost their jobs because of "false positives." Coz heroin can be derived from poppy seeds. (But to get a high you'll probably need pounds and pounds of the seeds!) Imagine that a minimal amount of poppy seeds in that piece of cake or bagel will make a drug test result positive?

And the trace amounts remain in your blood stream for more than a day! So if you're gonna be tested, make sure not to eat anything with poppy seeds in it!


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