
Wednesday, October 26, 2005


At the birthday party of our boss a waiter came up to me and gave me a bouquet of roses. From someone (an officemate), I don't know who. I took the roses, placed it on the table and left it there.

most girls would be flattered right? Not me. Because I'm not interested in anyone in the office and I don't care to give whoever false hope. Plus I think that if you're going to give me flowers at an office party for everyone to see you're doing it to look good in front of your friends. The act wasn't done to make me feel special, it was done to give you an ego boost.

and of course after that once in a while people would say that I have an admirer and to tell you the truth it totally annoys me. Coz didn't I make it clear that I'm not interested?! and if i find out who that person is, i'll totally be a bitch to him. that's just the way i am. i won't give him the reason to think there's any chance whatsoever.

geez...I write about being single but then when someone shows something I can't appreciate it. I know this is what you're thinking. But I don't believe in getting involved with people you work with. Office romances always result in gossip or tsismis. I don't need that thank you very much.

and to tell you the truth I'm really not interested in anyone in my office. That's the bottom line. So if you work with me don't talk to me about it if you don't want me to snap at you. Coz I've reached my threshold. The gloves are off baby.

self help

so i got over how upset i was with the friend who told me she was getting married without telling me. hhaayy naku! i'd rather have a friend then drop the friendship because of how i feel.

so we met and she started drilling me about my love life or lack of love life. well i really don't have one. i have gay friends...who i can talk to and enjoy myself - without the sexual tension.

while we were at a bookstore she proceeds to buy a book for me - a self help on dating.

after reading the first few chapters i decide that i should try it out...on wanggo. haha ;-)

in the book it said that we should view dating as a way to get to know people and not the way to hook a mate. i thought of wanggo coz i want to pair him with someone, but he doesn't want to try going out with that person coz the person "looks nice" and he'll "just ruin them." so i told him what the book preaches and he agreed.

i guess i twisted his arm again...just like i've done in a lot of the blogs of his that i'm part of. well anyway he's gonna be my guinea pig and he wants to date two people before the year ends. and if my track record of twisting his arm remains the same, he'll enjoy himself. we'll see...

so i guess the my friends plan backfired! coz i'm not the one who is gonna end up with a date! sorry dear, maybe next time! :-)

It's been a year

It's been a year since the most telenobela events of my life occurred. Sorry would rather not write about it. coz this blog isn't anonymous and I really don't need people that I work with and those friends who don't know about what I went through actually be able to talk about it.

suffice it to say it has resulted to my mom and I not talking and things being weird. With my stepmother always asking how I am and how things are at home with my mom.

with friends asking about one of my sisters' first year wedding anniversary. But in the back of their minds remembering what happened while I was in the States for that wedding.

have I moved on? Slowly, a bit I have. But not totally. It's kind of weird. Don't know what to think about it. Still living with the repercussions of my actions. Am I wholly to blame, no I don't think so. But I do and have to take responsibility for my actions. Oh well...How many years more to come?

Monday, October 03, 2005

Strong Name

I was out with a college friend, Lei, the other week. I met up with her and her officemates. After a couple of drinks we decided to go dancing.

We were at a club and Lei's friend are the type that guys go up to, while Lei and I are the opposite. But to our surprise a guy came up to me. He introduced himself and asked for my name. I told him and he said,"that's a strong name." What? Did he just say that? That's something my dad would say. Well anyway I brushed it off and we started dancing.

His friend came our way and this guy asked for Lei's name and introduced her to his friend. Then he turns to me and looks at me. I look back at him and wait. Now he has this look of embarrassment on his face. Okay. "You forgot my name?" I say. He nods. I look at his friend and introduce myself.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha can you believe it?! He gives me a line - That's a strong name and forgets it the next minute.
